
First post.

Went for an interview today. Guy asked me to write chess and gave me a pen and a single blank page. Wondering what does he mean by that, he said start and we will see. Still confused what i am suppose to write, told him it will require way more than one paper to write chess. His response you are not interested in coding. I was like what the hell is going on. After 5 minutes, HR came and told me I can leave for the day.

  • 28
    Well, I would write the word "chess"
  • 10
    Chess chess = new Chess();

    Is what I would have written.
  • 2
    I would have written the word chess as well, my guess is that maybe he would give a set of instructions for you to follow like a computer to assert if you can "think" like one or something along those lines...
    Something similar was done by one highschool teacher to our class... it was weird.
  • 0
    R u sure u heard it right?
  • 2
    I'm fairly confident he was looking for an actual implementation. It's fairly common practice to ask for basic application design... I would accept a class diagram but always prefer actual code... 😌
  • 4
    I agree, fairly evil tactic to expect "programming" with pen and paper on an interview :(

    Maybe it was a problem breakdown exercise? E.g.:
    • a simple console app/API taking user moves ('A2 to A4') as input and checking if it is a valid move
    • no ai
    • 2d array to represent the board
    • a base class for pieces with a virtual isValidMove() method, members for position and color
    • lists initialized with all the pieces and their starting pos. for each player
    • brute force isInCheck() function, loop through all of the opposing players pieces and check their isValidMove() to my king.pos
    •etc., etc. until the interviewer is happy

    Don't give up and Good luck on your next interview!
  • 9
    You're fine, it's just a shitty interviewer.

    The purpose of a job interview is to understand if you are suitable for a job. I dare say if you couldn't read his mind and figure out what he wanted, you very well may have been correctly deemed unsuitable - but if that's the case then it's definitely not a place you'd want to work at anyway, right?
  • 0
    If the interview is as bad as it sounds you probably dodged a bullet by not working there, take it as a blessing
  • 0
    Fuck it... i would make him eat the paper and shove the pen up his ass... fucking lunatics with their silly mind games... aint nobody got tome for that you stupid cock sucker
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