What if. What if all the developer are just one developer. What if all the world is just a training setting for that single developer. All the developers are just manifestation of one single developer.
All the greatest hackers and the noon. Every developer In the world is you. You are all the developer. The one who codes in java python JavaScript. Heck cobol. It's you. What if all the developers are just one developer manifesting differently ?

(Inspired from similar story where all human in history is just one person manifesting into forms to prepare him for higher 'levels ')

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    no wonder i’m always tired.
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    Do you treat everyone as you would want to be treated? Or as they would want to be treated? What if there is a difference? Paradox!

    Makes me wonder about when computers demonstrate behavior that isn't in the code or shouldn't logically happen according to the program. When unexpected exceptions occur or when stuff crashes for no reason....

    I guess all systems are build upon more basic systems. The high level code is complied to low-level machine code which is dependent on physics such as temperature, electricity, gravity, the energy absorion rate of the plastic casing when you hit the desk in frustration because nothing is working correctly...

    So what are the more basic systems the self is built on? The many collections of 'I' as Gurdjieff might call it. I guess computers could one day be complex enough to think they're real like us. We think we're real.
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    What if we're all subroutines in a program and each have local scope and have to give proper input and outputs as we go about our daily routines? Then we are developers but are we also being developed (onto)?
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    It's this story, isn't it? Heard it in the audio book "Sum: Tales from the afterlife"

    This one always gets me right in the feels...perhaps because being forced religion as a child resulted in my rejection of spirituality until I found my own way too it.

    Also, Tool -- 'Reflection':
    ...and you will come to find
    that we are all one mine
    capable of all that's
    and all conceivable
    Just let the light touch you
    And let the words spill through
    And let them pass right through
    Bringing out our hope and reason
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