companies: "we can't find good help!"

also companies: "we don't answer applications promptly, don't understand our own requirements, don't want remote, don't..."

  • 6
    *continuing on ur rant*

    ....and you shouldn't ask for a good compensation, you should work weekends, be here on time and leave late nights and should be thankful that we give you the opportunity to do that.
  • 5
    No remote? Can companies even afford that? I’d let go of an offer that pays an extra 20% if it didn’t allow remote. Commute is just shit.
  • 3
    @ars1 > "No remote? Can companies even afford that?"

    This year, we've lost 2 DBAs and four developers because our lack of a real work-from-home/remote policy and not being competitive with remote companies (either 100% or hybrid WFH). Right now, we can WFH, but required to submit a request (stating why you feel you need to WFH) and our VP must approve.

    As you can probably guess, unless the situation is extraordinary, nobody around here WFH much.
  • 1
    @ars1 it's shit and actively harmful in many cases
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