*Laughs in Backend*

  • 4
    In frameworks like nextjs, sveltekit, and nuxt, the line between frontend and backend is blurry
  • 10
    The real answer is because you can't trust the client.
  • 3
  • 1
    And how do I know it's actually my front sending that data?
  • 0
    @h3rp1d3v when I read about nextjs I got sick
  • 2
    sure, why not just drop your database directly onto Bobby Tables' lap?
    "because it's read-only!"
    dude, if it writes on memory, it is writeable.
  • 0
    This rant is not acceptable as it got it's perfect reply!
  • 1
    @levi2707 Check the tags in the post. Do you see a "rant" tag anywhere?
  • 1
    Firebase be like
  • 5
    Why do we need a front end? Why can't the user directly connect to the databases?
  • 0
    @asgs Best response so far. I lol'd. Have my updoot.
  • 2
    Why do we need a database? Why can’t the user connect directly to our unified consciousness?
  • 2
    Why do we need users? Can't people just send us money if we know stuff they don't?
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