
At my previous job we had to complete an online security training exercise. It shows you how to behave secure in the work place, to not open unknown links etc. The scary part was that the entire training thing was BUILT IN FUCKING FLASH. So I'm suppose to listen to some god damn virus shitting flash application on how to do online security?! Get your shit together before teaching others.

  • 8
    My company does this too. Not only flash, but IT USED A FALSE HTTPS CERTIFICATE. I took a screenshot and sent it to the corporate security team 🤣 How are we supposed to take that course seriously?!
  • 3
    @BrokeTheInteger LOL!

    Maybe that was for bonus points! 😉
  • 2
    I recently had to complete a training session in cyber security as a contractor for a client. You guessed it, in Flash.

    Opened up F12 and saw a JS script that receives callbacks from the Flash app. Populated the correct score to be the same as the count (40). Then sent the completed callback and got my certificate.

    What a waste of 5 minutes of my life.
  • 0
    @xsacha Hhaha Nice!
  • 1
    @xsacha Some might call that cheating, but I say if you can hack the cybersecurity exam, that more than equals a pass! 😂
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