
TIL there were promotional condoms (!) for the first Halo Xbox release.
Gamers do have sex? What were they thinking?

  • 4
    Gaming and sex isn't mutually exclusive, though I get ur joke
  • 0
    @Sid2006 there is a strong negative corollation though. And don’t ask peer reviewed studies. Some things don’t require expansive studies with million subjects.
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  • 7
    Console peasants aren't real gamers - they do have sex and their spouses are more important to them than the games. This marketing wouldn't have worked for the PC master race.
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    @Oktokolo what about the hybrid gamers? We won't even mention VR gamers...
  • 2
    @Nanos they’re size extra small of course. There aren’t femidoms because everyone on the internet, especially on xbox live, knows gamer girls don’t exist.
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    “Master chief gives you a informative sex education that you never had”
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    @We3D we all know what VR glasses are actually used for.
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    @electrineer They are used for the same thing, the internet was made for.
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    @Nanos back in the uni a legit gamer girl wanted to date me. Her demeanor and her hygiene were terrible. We’re talking not brushing teeth, not washing hair, take showers like two times a month maybe. But she could play Lineage 2 on four screens at the same time!
  • 1
    @kiki needless to say, you dated her
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    @electrineer no. I ended up dating a poet skater girl with severe chronic pain, and it was a three-year-long disaster.
  • 2
    @kiki seems like the wrong choice
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