
Me to friend: "I'm going to install Ubuntu on a virtual machine. I mean even I couldn't screw up to install ubuntu"

5 minutes later...

Me to Friend: "I screwed up, I didn't give Ubuntu enough memory and have to restart the process"

  • 1
    At least it's a vm πŸ˜‚ biggest reason I love vm... I can delete it and start over
  • 3
    Haha, you'll find your way around.
    When I started with Linux many years back, I didn't even knew about Virtual Box, maybe I did or didn't knew how to use it back then. I would use it as live CD, and then ultimately I installed it when I got extremely annoyed with windows XP. Good luck with your Linux exploration :)
  • 6
    Ha I remember when I started and I listened to my friend.
    Me: I think I'm ready for Linux
    Friend: finally... which one you choosing
    Me: I think I'm going with ubuntu
    Friend: fuckin pathetic, you better go with Arch Linux or die.
    Me: okay..... arch it is.

    2 weeks later....
    Me: I FINALLY GOT IT INSTALLED! And the keyboard actually works😭😭😭😭😭
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