
Even If you give me an OS with great and fast GUI, I would still prefer better CLI (Command Line Interface)

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    A man of culture as well.
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    So you would rather the long way round then, there some things terminals are best for but not everything like open a program 1 click instead of i guess going to programs directory then running.
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    @Kryptic0 well if youre good at it its simple and faster
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    (Mutes rant)
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    Then use Arch.
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    @dontbeevil actually there is autocomplete. Like in pgcli

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    @dontbeevil buttons get lost in bad guis too. *cough* codeblocks IDE *cough*
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    No one cares if you prefer a better CLI over a worse GUI, it only matters if you prefer a CLI to an equally good GUI
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    @calmyourtities thats what I said, read better
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    @savethecode you said you would prefer a better CLI, over the good GUI, saying the CLI is better
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    @calmyourtities I said that no matter how good the GUI gets, I always prefer an OS with better CLI
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    @Kryptic0 rule of thumb: if it is common enough to be used as a one-click, it should be common enough to have a single command too.
    Doesn't ever work the other way due to UI constraints.

    That's why there is NO very good git GUI client to this day (best one is sourcetree but it's quite slow). If you want to get it done properly, there's always the terminal button -- that's a one-click that works.
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    @savethecode that could mean a better CLI over a worse GUI
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    All right, hipster hackerman, I'll stick to whatever makes the most sense ;)
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