  • 6
    Worst advice?
    I work mobile first on all my Web projects.

    Why is this bad advice?
  • 2
    I don't get it either
  • 1
    @itsdaniel0 because 'mobile first for web' may be an efficient model when it comes to web development, buts its the most inefficient technology (or tool for the job) when it comes to native mobile app development.
  • 2
    @greenhouse Mobile app development, and app development though are approached in different ways.

    The OP said for Web, and I am curious as to why :)
  • 1
    Yes, it makes perfect sense (from a developer perspective) until you are in the real world. Clients think in desktop (obviously not all) few designers understand. As a result the client signs off desktop visuals. So invariably you (I) work to that, knowing that I will have to make it responsive and build accordingly. Client is happy because his site matches the visuals. Done correctly it's easy to work down to mobile than work up to desktop. My opinion and my techniques to achieve this don't fail. You can of course disagree.
  • 2
    @helloworld I've been at a company for 4 years now. Everything we do is mobile first. As for your comment about designs, we also show the client mobile and desktop designs. We haven't had any problems

    I've done some desktop first sites, and it becomes a lot harder
  • 0
    @itsdaniel0 great, if it works for you, just that in my experience, my clients just do not get it. I waste a lot if time trying to explain, in the end i give them a perfect desktop that works responsively down to smartphone, I never have any complaints. It just seems far more logical to work in that way for me at least. I am happy to ignore Luke Wroblewski's advice.
  • 3
    @helloworld This genuinely baffles me. In my experience people either want a mobile site, or are thrilled when we explain it.
    So many people browse on their phone, it should be what they want

    How experiences can differ is crazy!
  • 3
    Mobile first is my approach. I find it much easier to scale up from mobile.
  • 5
    Mobile first forces you to focus on what's important and to determine your site's key message, aims and user interactions. You can then add embellishments as the device size increases safe in the knowledge that the core purpose has been catered for.
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