I did a 3 years study in computer science.

I got an intern that is on her last year of a 5 years study in computer science too.

So we have the same age, just that I have more practical experiences than her and she have more theoretical baggage than me.

We are discussing on the design of what she will do over her internship and while I'm talking about some JSON modelling she interrupt me to say something like "so this tuple is meaning..." talking about a JSON object. I didn't get what she was talking about (I never did python and didn't learn much about mathematical theorems during my study) so I asked her: "What is a tuple?".. She looked at me with dead eyes saying "what!? you don't know this ?!!" Like I was the dumbest man on earth. Fortunately our PM which is also a coding guy was sitting next to us and explained to me that by saying "tuple" she meant a "JSON object" and to her that it IS normal if I do not know what a tuple is, first because of my studies, 2nd because my job is to be an Android Dev and that I do not need to know this to do my job. He added that by the way I'm doing well my job and that if I wasn't there to help her on her code she would never succeed her internship.

I'm glad my PM intervene but fuck those who always think they know everything better than others without questioning themselves before !

  • 3
    Intern learnt a big lesson that day
  • 9
    Whats the problem with just calling a json object a json object xD
  • 8
    Nice PM you have, can I borrow?
  • 2
    I'm a javascript guy myself but I think that tuples are not advanced concepts but basic python/database stuff, so you guys shouldn't get ultra defensive for not knowing this.
  • 2
    My fuckup as an intern was way worse, dude believe me :(
  • 8
    If she says Json as tuple , she doesn't know neither python nor Json cause json is dictionary in python.
  • 3
    Tuples are immutable lists, aren't they?
  • 1
    @phexter I don't have any problems that she used that word or that I didn't know about it and I'm usually glad to learn new stuff (no matter if it's linked to my job or not) but I didn't like the way I've been judged for not knowing this
  • 1
    @jsframework9000 Yeah when I learned what it was I felt a bit stupid of not knowing it before, but still, everyone has to learn
  • 3
    I’m so jealous of your PM! None of the project managers at our company came from Development backgrounds. Many of them have management backgrounds...but nothing to do with tech.
  • 0
    @riekena I feel ya bro 😄
  • 0
    @riekena To explain a bit: we are 2 (now 3 with the intern) on this project: me and the PM. We aren't in a tech-driven company, we are in a public health company and we are building a system for health structures in third countries, so my PM was first engaged to build a prototype of this system but he said he needed an Android Dev: here I come.

    All this to say we are not in a usual environnement, we act like a startup inside a biggest company, so my PM needs to know what is going on about the system he is building
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