
Stop using duckduckgo and use Google like everybody else.

  • 10
    By all means, use all the second class software and services you like. Just dont preach it to me 😊
  • 3
    Lol, thats happen to me too, because im searching something on duck2go and i said to boss "i cant find it on web". Several seconds later my boss said "really? But i found it after a googling"
  • 2
    Or you can use firefox settings in order to use any search engine you want just typing a specific keyword on the URL box before the words you are searching for...
  • 2
    I made DDG the default search fallback for my keyboard app launchers -- Mutate on my Linux desktop at home, and Alfred on my Mac laptop at work. So all my searches go through that. With DDG's bang searches, I just specify the site to search instead of DDG.

    !yt important videos
    !w Rick Sanchez
    !perldoc sprintf

    ...and life is good.
  • 1
    @yohohoho pretty sure you can put !google at the end of your search queries in duckduckgo and it will fetch results from google
  • 2
    Or just !g
  • 1
    @eybro really? Thank you sir!!
  • 2
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