Friend trying to teach herself to code. Refuses to use a code editor and insists on notepad... Like wtf. She's just done like a single page of html so far but still. She asked me to look at it and I caught a basic ass mistake that syntax highlighting would've got

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    It's a canon event, don't interrupt.
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    notepad++ is your friend.
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    @Demolishun why not vs code? Does notepad++ autocomplete imported libs?
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    Wait, is it notepad++ or notepad?
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    @retoor because the person is using notepad. So baby steps. notepad++ has syntax highlighting for supported file types. vscode is a lot more complexity for a newb.
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    @Demolishun that's the thing, I don't think it's more complex. Maybe the dark bg is scary
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    @retoor I was thinking you would have to install an HTML editor plugin. But apparently it supports it out of the box. Can you edit a html file without creating a project?
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    @Demolishun yes, you can! I don't use some project files. I always navigate to project directory and execute `code . ` and it opens the directory in the editor. No config needed
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    Everyone is trying to be coder these days. My dumbass failed teacher friend even…
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    @aviophile two of my exes, both failed. Both did for financial gain
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    @Nanos I really spell it like that. No pun. They're both high executable btw
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    @retoor I blame low level domainslije web development where you can get away without any analytical or mayhetical skill.
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    @aviophile true. Let's push the button, we all go back to C. Survival of the fittest
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    Big IDEs can be scary for beginners (too many options that can go wrong)

    Why not introduce them to notepad++ so they can dip their toes into the world of proper development
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    @MammaNeedHummus I'm taking the "sink you swim, baby!" approach
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