
Go home computer you're drunk

  • 19
    Well, you are feeding it brew (beer) and ruby (port), so you can't expect it to stay sober.
  • 5
    Probably a matter of the version being invoked by the command is not the one that's currently first in your path :p

    last I checked the rails command, it used /bin/env ruby.
  • 3
    I suggest you use RVM, it's much more sane than a general package manager
  • 7
    printf("ruby 2.%d.%d", rand % 10, rand % 10);
  • 1
    ++ for the pure prompt on zsh
  • 3
    RVM ā¤!
  • 3
    RVM ā¤
  • 1
    Oh I have faced this issue a lot on MacOs. Mac comes bundled with its own ruby version which messes up rvm also. You have to specifically mention that you are using the ruby that rvm provides.
  • 1
    @Faraaz @Ashkin @Soban I prefer rbenv to RVM nowadays...
  • 1
    This is the entire problem in macOS. Brew is second-class citizen.
    You get your apps from probably 3 different sources. Some check path, some do /bin/env, some check brew.

    Latest issue I get is 'brew requires XCode 9.0 to install update' (says this for everything I use brew for).
    Yes, 9.0 is installed.
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    @nymous I didn't have issue with RVM till now,
    If I face then I will give a try rbenv
  • 0
    Am i the only one suggesting 'rbenv' over rvm?
  • 0
    @nymous to each their own
  • 0
    Happens to me in Python too, mostly because the system default is v 2.7 and I need 3.6.
  • 0
    @d3vx * oh-my-zsh
  • 1
    Rvm man, you can sandbox yo stuff like a pro with it. Tools like rvm, maven, virtualenv and others are a thing of beauty.
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