  • 12
    one is auto installing updates and the other is doing it manually :P
  • 21
    @gitpush both windows and linux can install updates automatically, only windows forces you to stop working while it installs them.
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    @ItsNotMyFault I was being sarcastic O_O
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  • 17
    I don't get all this Windows bashing on here, I've worked with Windows since it's incarnation and it's come a long way. Pretty much every part is configurable, including updates. Linux (which I also like btw) may have a great set-up out of the box but it also needs config too...

    I have a feeling I'll get bashed for this myself but Windows is great for clients in business (especially with W10/azure domains). I get that Linux is Dev friendly but MS is getting better at that shit.
    Disclaimer: I do not work for MS
  • 0
    @Matt-B you mean windows 1?
    I started with Ms dos 4 and latter windows 3.0
  • 2
    Don't forget... 90% of users work with windows (or something like that), windows gives most programming jobs (native apps), specifically on enterprise level...
    To me it doesn't matter, as long as it works.
    And everyone is forgetting, Microsoft is now part of Linux foundation and they changed their business type...
    In a few years we can even expect open source windows and true Linux over windows....
  • 1
    @Lahsen2016 Trust me, I get where you're coming from but all os's are configurable for stuff like that. I think privacy is a while other topic...

    @RodrigoF Well almost it's incarnation - 3.1 I think it was (on a brick of a laptop)
  • 0
    And whats the point? Win 7 is outdated, we dont see specs for laptops win is in graphic mode ...

    Apples and oranges

    What i can see you telling as that for shit laptop/pc linux start faster?

    Im not linux hater and not win fan
  • 1
    @ItsNotMyFault name a single Linux distro that updates automatically.
  • 1
    @Devman I think Ubuntu does security updates automatically by default and you can configure it to do everything else as well using unattended upgrades
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    @Devman Mint
  • 0
    @BindView I used Mint 18.2 for a few weeks and don't recall it automatically updating. Don't you still need to click the install updates button in the mint updater?
  • 2
    @Devman most debian based distros can do it if you want. (Newer debian releases do it by default, you get a small notification (or an email if you want) when it is done.

    No need to reboot or stop working while they install.
  • 0
    Almost all linux distros can do auto updates. Its just not on by default.
  • 0
    @ItsNotMyFault It installs the major ones when you restart or shut down, no interruption at all.
  • 1
    @Matt-B I begin with DOS 4, but my first Windows was 3.1. Hell, I miss it. The old keyboards, the sound, the material of keys.

    Work with floppy disks were horrible. I miss that all. :)
  • 1
    @brunofontes Haha. I can remember tinkering with DOS back then thinking I was some kind of Jedi. I think that was probably around the same time as my first tech support experience because I accidently deleted a load of system files!
  • 0
    Anything can update automatically...
    Just make a script for it
  • 1
    @Wallpaper how do you restart or shut down without interrupting your work ?
  • 0
    @ItsNotMyFault At the end of the day, I shut everything down.
  • 0
    Lots of people trashtalking windows while probably having used it for most of their lives
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