Working full time and going back to college......

I got my full time gig in January. This semester I decided to go back for my bachelor's because I only got my associates degree. Honestly balancing the homework and work isnt that bad. It's trying to get ANYTHING ELSE done....like getting and oil change, going to the dentist, etc. I have to use paid time off for all of it now. :(

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    I went back to uni last year after working full time for ~6 years. The hardest part for me was to convince myself to start, but after the first week it's been working fine.

    Good luck!
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    So relatable.
    I also went back to university to get a bachelor in CS/related, working half-time. Still not sure how to balance it all, but it's getting better atm. Eventually by the time I'm finishing my studies, I'll have it all figured out. :D

    Good luck and may it take you less time.
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