Hi all,

This might be a long post so bear with me. I work for a company and there was a project for a huge client. I'm junior in skill (been programming for about two years) but my job title doesn't reflect that. Anyways, I got the design about a month ago but I was on deadline for two other projects so I couldn't pick it up until last week Wed. Ironically, that's when the final design was delivered & told me it was due next week Wednesday. I built it as fast as I could. Finished mobile but for some reason, this last part for desktop just wasn't working out and it just so happens to be the most crucial part of the piece. (I was also sick the entire time and didn't sleep for the last two days nor did I eat). I was supposed to demo it yesterday but I still needed to make a few updates and the project coordinator took me off the project & gave it to a dev with more experience. This has never happened to me before. I'd go as far as to say this is my first big fuck up. I've always delivered on deadline and I'm taking this pretty hard. Has anyone been in similar situations? What do I do? Any advice?

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    When I'm working on mutilple tasks I always make it a point to prioritise it with my management. That way there are no surprises.

    And where I work it is very common for newbies to jump at every opportunity they get, bite off more than they can chew and end up work long hours, sleep in the office , never go home and such. It may give a boost to their career but it takes a toll on their health.

    If you think you're being assigned tasks more than you should be, ask them to expect delays.
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