
Hiring remote
US only


  • 1
  • 14
    In their defense, I think a lot of places have rules wherein they have to have a base of operation or similar in a given country in order to hire there, and to be knowledgeable in the tax situation of a given country, etc. etc.
  • 7
    I think US employment law also treats domestic and foreign hires like two entirely separate groups, there are totally different conditions and I think you have to advertise the job in the US first before hiring from abroad as well.
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    There might be another reason here, they might wanna end WFH and want all employees to be in person at the office. That's why outsiders don't get placed.
  • 0
    Valid because there are timezone and tax issues etc. Sure they can include from Canada or Mexico but some projects even require citizenship or good comm skills. By limiting to US they reduce possible friction points.
  • 2
    "US EST timezone, new york state, actually just new york city. actually you need to be within 5 miles of our building"
  • 0
    Oh yeah, i have seen this so many times, it's absolutely frustating.
    Also there are some companies which say remote worldwide but you need to have US Visa 😵😵
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    tax entities, legal capable of working with non-US countries, etc... just look at work law differences between some US states and imagine the company would have to grow to support completely foreign

    btw ... hiring someone from Nevada to work for NYC company is still pretty "remote"
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