I read somewhere that you can go to Adolf Hitler Wikipedia page from any other wiki page within 5 clicks!

Here's what I tried.

List of Programming Languages -> Lisp -> Massachusetts Institute of Technology -> World War II -> Adolf Hitler

  • 4
    shit lol
  • 16
    Think that's cool? This will blow your mind...

    Choose a random article. Click the first link in it. Repeat. Eventually, you will end up at "Philosophy".

  • 3
    @CrankyOldDev Lol, it works somehow.
  • 2
    Just tried it because it seemed odd to me. Clicked on 'Random'. Here's the result:

    Solar Eclipse of may 29, 1938 -> Moon -> Soviet Union -> World War II - > Hitler.

    Probably possible with less clicks but those were the earliest links I could find.
  • 3
    This has actually been made into a game with several modes: https://thewikigame.com/
  • 3
    So... What that really means is that you can get to the world war II page in 4 clicks.
  • 1
    Not that crazy when you think of the global ingluence of such an event. It would be crazier to reach i don't know... Chewbacca in 5 clicks.
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