

market is oversaturated

you are making us get paid less and less

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    Give them an alternative career choice at least.
  • 1
    I thought it was just saturated by shitty chatgpt and so devs?
  • 8
    Are you sure? It still looks understaffed out there from where I'm sitting.
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    @lungdart lacking "good" devs?
  • 2
    I work in a larger company with lots of talent, but I keep in touch with all my old co-workers and everyone of them is crying for help.
  • 3
    @lungdart understaffed by good ones. Glad that self taught usemy graduates are tasting the bitter results of beliving twitter clownin becoming a hireable sw dev in 6 months.
  • 4
    @aviophile how can you be self taught by passing for Udemy courses? That's just school with not enough steps.

    I've got nothing against self taught. Some of the best devs I've ever met were self taught.

    You can always tell an artisan who loved their craft from a clown. Degree or no.
  • 1
    @lungdart how can you be self taught by reading a book? Same logic. Selftaughters(good made up word) need external material obviously.
  • 1
    @lungdart There's a massive oversupply of terrible Devs, and a massive undersupply of good ones
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