
Guys. I am in deep shit. Literally. I am shitting on my brown throne and the shit was going out normally. Felt good. But i couldnt stop shitting. There was so much shit. I was such a shitlord. The volume of my shits was so large an entire amazon warehouse wouldnt fit. Then at one point my asshole started burning🔥 i had to clutch and close my asshole. The more i shit the more it burned. Then my shit piled up. It felt very liquid. Then i realized it was diarrhea💩💩💩💩💩 fuck. I kept my asshole closed at all costs but something went wrong in my stomach. The liquid shit kept piling up and i dont know why or from where. How can so much shit be stored in my body is beyond me. The shit i shitted was longer than average sized snake🐍 then at one point the pressure and force F=ma 2nd newtons law kept making it harder because holding the shit hurt, but shitting the shit also hurt cause it burns🔥💩 but heres the best part. As i was at war with my shit i remembered what I learned in school: 3rd newtons law Each action has an equal and opposite reaction, then i realized if i just let go of my shit and suffer the pain of having the asshole on flames, the reaction of the opposite newton's force would throw that shit to the other side so i dont have to suffer holding my bullshit inside me! And so i did. I let go of my asshole and liquid shit was FLOWING like a fucking waterfall 🌊💩🌊💩🌊💩 asshole burned for 3 seconds but the relief i felt from not holding so much bullshit inside was WORTH IT💯 Now, if you excuse me its time i get off my brown throne and IMMEDIATELY run to my chair or else im gonna collapse to the ground. My legs are literally NUMB from shitting for over 20 minutes on my throne. Thank you school for teaching me all about bullshit! I would have exploded and died if i didnt study bullshit in school. My degree of bullshit is just as valuable as bullshit, and they were right. I am glad i studied shit in school. Never knew shit could be useful to learn

  • 1
    Im on my chair now. I ran so fast before collapsing. My legs are NUMB as if they're about to get amputated. I cant be shitting for so long. Can someone engineer a standing toilet so i can shit while standing instead of sitting? I'll buy it
  • 4
    With diarrhea the only option is to let it flow. Resistance is futile.
  • 2
    Better use that time to learn the difference between hashing and encrypting instead of ranting 🙃

    Also, F = ma doesn't apply to fluids the way you seem to think.

    Better check up on Gay-Lussac, Boyle and Navier-Stokes.
  • 0
    @CoreFusionX focusing on work and hard problem solving 24/7 is heavy on the mind and is not going to help to be more productive. In fact it will weaken it. I need some moments to not think about mentally consuming problems in order to let the mind breathe
  • 7
    I'm drunk and I know it's byplane
  • 0
    > Guys. I am in deep shit. Literally.
    I… don’t think so.
  • 3
    @MammaNeedHummus how did you know? Doesn’t everyone on devrant write whole essays about shit? 🙃
  • 3
    Guys. I am in deep shit.

    Oh it must be b2plane. Let me open the post. Yep it is.
  • 1
    @MammaNeedHummus no weed this weekend?
  • 1
    @SidTheITGuy 🥺 tip my onlyfans and maybe I can afford to get some
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