
Another funny Linux encounter from my study that I suddenly remembered.

This guy said he didn't want to work with things/services that use Linux because he wanted to support software devs by buying software. I get the idea but yah...

Linux teacher: well then why don't you start with disconnecting from the WiFi. After that drop services like fb and WhatsApp which you use a lot. Also, good luck in the dev world as you're mooost probably going to encounter Linux and for being able to finish this study you'll need to succeed on Linux classes as well!

He just sat there like 'help'. A lot of fellow students were giggling as well.

Really though, my Linux teacher was an awesome young guy!

  • 30
    He can donate
  • 13
    There is something like a linuxclass and linuxteacher? That's awesome. Back in my days we were forced to use windows crap and the officesuite and do delphi/borland crap.
  • 4
    Doesn't open source / free software sometimes comes with a donation or support subscription, why not helping in those.
  • 5
    Linux class? Wow what I would have done to have that back when I was starting out.

    We had windows server (2003) to install AMP on instead of IIS with php extensions 😭

    How the times have changed 😵
  • 5
    Linux class? Aren't you a blessed grasshopper.
  • 4
    In my university, all the systems have Linux only. Most of the professors are kinda experts in Linux. Even admin/office staff use Linux/LibreOffice.
  • 2
    I've met such people, some did the same thing but for Java or python I remember in a High performance computing course the guy refused to use C because apparently Java is the best language and platform in the world :D
  • 0
    Why would he drop from WiFi if he supported the DEVs by buying the AP, which probably uses proprietary source code 🤔
  • 0
    @Wallpaper Because the router ran on a Linux kernel I thought!
  • 1
    @matsaki95 linu[x]+ master racr
  • 0
    @codepoet where do I sign up?
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