
Let us watch some Netflix on Jimmys portfolio...

  • 0
    What app is that? I've seen it a lot
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    @gustash Iwould like to know that too!
  • 2
    @gustash UpWork I think
  • 3
    @vector300 I thinks it's UpWork
  • 1
    I can't believe people ask this kind of shit.
  • 2
    Upwork can get frequently hilarious, especially in the software section. I read one a few weeks back that said "I basically need all the capabilities that Google has, but for an intranet site. I cannot give you access to the intranet site for security reasons. Budget: $250"
  • 1
    Hahahaha amazing can you post the link I'm going to pitch for it, see where it goes.
  • 0
    I love the 15$ bidget. Got really deep in that pocket, haven't you?
  • 0
    Has anyone had any good experience with this app? I hadn't heard of it before and just downloaded it, but it seems a lot of the job listings are vague and implausible
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    @odbx It's OK for starting out and getting some really low paying and quick jobs where you can claim it's "for experience". Most jobs on there want the world for nothing
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    @odbx @owenthetwit as someone with a bunch of hours and jobs on Upwork I can confirm this. Sadly it's true, a lot of contenders, clients don't know what they are talking about and people going for the lowest prices in the history of mankind.
  • 0
    <iframe src="http://netflix.com"></iframe>
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