Some of us developers have that moment where we think: ("Please not another programming language...").

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    Yeah, "some of us" more like "me".

    What nightmare of a career do you have where new programming languages are getting thrown at you left and right?
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    not really no. The languages evolve and change, the patterns and systems behind it don't.

    You know one, you know all.

    I don't really mind having new languages coming out. Quite the opposite, it is interesting to see, how features can be combined and mixed with eachother.

    And at the end of the the day, if the "new" language is wacky enough, it might find itself on the pile of esoteric languages anyways.
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    > you know one, you know all.
    Not true at all. Just look at JS and Rust. They couldn’t be more different.

    The patterns and systems behind the languages change and evolve as well.

    C# for example has quite a dramatic evolution behind it with new features and even paradigms coming each major version.
    JS too (still a crap language).
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    Ive always been on of the opinion that I think it’s slightly odd that people think programming languages are to blame as if they don’t all relate to similar structure, paradigms, ideas, etc… I don’t discount that some languages are highly troublesome. Take brainfuck for an example, no one uses it because it’s hard to work with and it shows no real value to the means of profit. However, IF it was the only programming language in existence, there would probably be only one way to program things with it correctly, leading to a good developer experience over time. Whilst with JS, it’s miles away from the machine level.

    I think it’s reflective of human’s natural tendency to blame the most concreted ideas rather than the abstract principles which are the basis for them. It might be best, for the sake of future programmers, to conceive a language which translates to a great profit margin, yet enforces good standards for cleanliness, common patterns, and refactor-ability.
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    @Lensflare I agree, that the saying is over the top a little. But it still atleast somewhat applies, that there is a turning point, where you can work with whole families of languages, if you know the features used in them.

    and yeah.. lets say the dice fell very unfortunate in JS' case (for how it's being used nowadays)
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