
A very sad side effect from my new job.

When I get home, I can't bear sitting behind a screen for longer than an hour or two.

I really want to keep on programming at home but I just can't put myself to it after work anymore :'(.

I actually feel pretty sad about it 😭

  • 8
    I have often the same, how is it on weekends for you?
  • 9
    I can kinda relate to this. How long do you work anyway?

    I woke more than 12 hours and all I want to do at home is relax.
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    @byte-me I work 8 hours a day at my job :)
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    @plusgut On the weekends i nearly program full time :)
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    @linuxxx then everything is good, isn't it? ;)
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    @plusgut Kinda. It just feels so empty to not feel the joy of programming all of the sudden 😞
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    I know right.
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    @linuxxx yea, I feel you :/ but as @runfrodorun said, with the right project you are really enthusiastic about then you do it weekday too. At least for me it works too.
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    After two years working with Linux, I am starting to feel bored on the evenings too.
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    If I recall correctly, it’s somewhat temp job for you. I think this post confirms this, as your batteries are drained there, even if you are doing the things you supposedly love (fuck, one single user may wreck the day).

    I would not worry too much, but I would try to plan your free-time activities, to get into some sort of routine. This will bring the joy back :-). Problem with just sitting there is that it will not go away on its own...
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    @Linux Oh no it's literally just the principle of sitting behind the screen! I sometimes even get nauseous or a headache. I'd love to do more Linux stuff!
    @gberginc About to sign a year contract so I wouldn't call it temporary :)
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    @dfox time for some Godly/fatherly input/advice? 😁🤗🤓🙏

    Me the only stuff I write on weekdays are when I find a bug so annoying in an app I wrote n use, I need to make a "quick fix"
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    I sometimes be like that and as a solution I just go to Starbucks as I am not going to waste 5$ for doing nothing 😛
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    Try a 20 minutes power nap _without_ falling asleep. Thank me later ;)
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    Self employment is bliss. Sometimes I don't make a good salary but I have my Office, my customac, my servers and my supply. Some weeks I work maybe 10 hours per week, some 20 max. Rarely 35. Working on weekends is not an option, even when, in the past, some website got hacked. Clients waited till monday.
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    Hopefully it won't last forever!

    I get like that at times, at the moment I do 8 hours work then 1-5 hours each evening but sometimes I need a week or two without evenings.
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    @runfrodorun your OCD takes a much more convenient form than mine. Well not more convenient but more . . . productive? I just have weird stuff involving numbers and washing my hands.
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    Try changing things up! Switch backgrounds, or even distros, rework your desk layout, try out a different browser, etc. I find changing stuff helps me when I get down. Maybe even stay away from the computer for a few days (Don't force yourself to use unless you have to, wait until you actually want to use it again) Hope you feel better soon!!
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    I can relate.. back in the days i would go home and work again. Try new stuff do all kinds of things.. now i come home.. tired as fuck.. so now instead of programming i play some sports :)
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    Maybe you could start something else to fill that void ? ☺ Programming is not the only activity you can do amazing personal projects with !

    Anyways, looks like you're famous enough around here for your name to be a tag now 😁 congrats !
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    @linuxxx have you tried glasses? I only have a small correction (0.1) but these glasses removed like 80% of my headaches. They filter the blue light.

    Had to get used to looking through glasses first and I still prefer not looking through glass. But I dislike headaches even more.

    Your Dutch right?
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    @linuxxx I don't know if the situation is getting any worse for you but I'm pretty much in the same boat. I feel like a terrible human being for not touching any code for the past couple weeks. Got any good tips, send 'em my way please senpai!
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