
Thanks, Google. We know.

  • 8
    Perfect timing, Firefox recently started consistently beating Chrome in benchmarks
  • 4
    Gotta love the fact the image crops at "complete with built in malware"
  • 0

    Nah sunspider isn't considered relevant and would be cherry picking.
  • 0

    I consider any software I do not like malware in the french style <3
  • 4
    @CoreFusionX The text crops... not the image.

    BTW it's nice for them to admit that google chrome is a malware. It mines your data, your preference, your browsing data, and it doesn't care about your privacy.
  • 0
    @daniel-wu they have to make money some how in the future, when adsense goes away.
  • 0
    @lorentz I heard Firefox's quality took a big nose dive. How's it doing now?
  • 1
    @bols59 it’s perfect
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