
Earth is hell. Let me explain.

What is this floating rock in the middle of nothingness that we're on? It can truthfully be described as

"It is a place where few enjoy living while majority suffer"

Do you know what else can be described like this?


Let me go even deeper.

I am a christian. On tiktok lots of atheist And christian videos pop up for me. I like seeing them both because i like forming my own rational conclusions. The more i saw those videos the more i realized:

"Hold on... If satan and his demons are supposed to be busy burning in hell and suffering in eternal torment, then how are they here? How is satan ruling this floating rock in the middle of nothingness and spreading so much evil around? Shouldn't he be busy being in hell?"

Some christians replied to me saying "well satan is a very powerful angel and he can be in multiple places at once"

I am not going into how this logic is flawed.

The other christians replied "satan isnt in hell right now but he will be thrown there once the 2nd coming of Lord Jesus Christ comes, the rapture and judgement day"

Wait a second. You're telling me satan and demons are not in hell right now? Where are they? Chilling in heaven? And since we're being threatened to going to hell, we the people go to hell Right Now but satan does not? God rewards the MOST evil entity by not throwing them in hell but throws in hell some person for doing infinitely less evil than satan? Ok

This has lead me to conclusion that the Earth is Hell:

1) satan is not in the hell that we imagined - he's here, which makes this place the true hell
2) satan rules this world
3) everyone suffers, but the more evil, immoral, corrupt, satan worshipper you are, the better life you're gonna live
4) what kind of life you're gonna live by being good and praying to God? You're gonna live a poor live, you'll remain broke and helpless
5) this world is a place where God doesn't help you but Satan does if you worship him - what other place can be described like this? That's right Hell

We are all in Hell and that makes perfect sense considering how everything is fucked, immoral, corrupt unfair and everyone is full of bullshit.

To repeat:

- I am not optimistic. I believe by being an optimist you're lying to yourself about shit being better than it is which in future will make your life even worse

- I am not pessimistic. I believe by being a pessimist you're just dumping more depression into your life and making it harder than it already is

- I am realistic. I will say shit how it truly is without giving a fuck whose feelings gonna get hurt or what someone thinks. This is the only single source of truth.

We are in Hell right now.

  • 9
    so you started smoking weed, nice
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    God died back in 1996. This is entirely irrelevant.
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    Just wait til the infinite dust smoke cloud overtakes us all and the world turns into a pile of sand
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    I don't disagree with this sentiment
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    If you want an idea of what hell is like I would suggest looking up near death experiences by people. From what I have gathered hell is much worse than what people experience on earth (for the most part). There is also the idea of a hyper reality. Many people who die experience a reality that feels "more real" than our current reality. It is a fascinating rabbit hole to go down.
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    @Demolishun how can i know what they experienced was real or if it was just hallucinations composed only within their mind as a traumatic outcome of the experience they had?
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    @b2plane everything you experience is a hallucination. Sensory input becomes a mind image already. So your current reality you have no way of knowing if it exists or not.

    For instance. I can tell you that I have been physically assaulted by demons (invisible entity). Which was immediately repelled by speaking the Lords Prayer. You have no way of knowing if that story is true. I have no way of knowing if I experienced that. But I have the memories of that experience.

    So, you learn to discern what seems to be true or false. There is a consistency to people's experiences when it comes to near death. Some people may be bullshitting, some may not. I do know some people personally that have had near death experiences. Their stories are consistent with other stories I have read about. So maybe it comes down to trust.
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    @Demolishun Interesting. I've only seen the good near death experiences: leaving the body, tunnel, life flashes before the eye etc. Have not seen an account of one with hell
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    @Demolishun Consistency between people doesn't imply correctness - lots of people believe lots of wrong things. Consistency with real-world observables does. NDEs being somewhat consistent between people is equally well-explained by NDEs being caused by similarly failing brain hardware rather than a similar external reality.

    Saying that all your perception is hallucinated is (loosely) true (predictive processing etc) but unhelpful. In normal operating conditions, your perceptions are generated from external sensory inputs from a consistent world. The real world maintains coherence in a way hallucinations generally don't. Weird experiences are not great evidence of much because human minds have all kinds of exotic fault conditions.
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    @gollark you also have the layer of the subconscious filtering things out. Your mind learns what is real input vs not real input. I think it filters out stuff you can see, but not touch to some degree. That is why I think hypnosis is so fascinating. It can alter that filter.
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    what if this whole thing is a simulation and the NDE is the real deal!
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    @Demolishun Both are filtered somewhat. Most people don't pay attention to things like the feeling of clothing on their body or their contact with their chair most of the time.

    @iceb "Real" how? So far as anyone can tell, our brains work the same as the rest of the world's physics. Brain damage and chemical interference can affect your thoughts and perceptions.
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    @iceb some belief systems consider this reality to be an illusion. Some even consider this reality to be a an endless reincarnation cycle or prison. In order to escape the cycle you have to graduate or become "enlightened". There are gatekeepers to keep us in this reality for eternity. So that is one belief system that likens this reality to hell I suppose.
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    Won’t read this simpleton black and white bullshit.
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    interesting take! but it only works with the Christian narrative.

    in Islam for example its different, we believe Satan was given immortality until the day of judgement and he is on earth trying to temp people into straying away from worshipping the one true god and do wron suff basically.

    After judgement day, he, his minions, and all those who followed their temptations will be thrown in hell to be tortured, he will not rule hell, he would just be getting fucked up like the rest of us
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