
How the FUCK did someone code this website???


I am fucking MIND BLOWN

  • 2
    legit. the site is absolute fire. But it's not some"one" i think. Must be a team of devs.
  • 2
    This seems like a love child of aframe and parallax scrolling. Aframe is pretty cool for being able to do this things.
  • 3
    How the f is so smooth on mobile
  • 5
    yo wtf, that is actually frikkin cool

    i like that on phone the 3D scenes have gyro support
  • 6
    Very nice and impressive but not incomprehensible.

    The touch location and scroll position drives the rendering and the animations.
  • 6
    @Lensflare exactly, it is quite nice indeed and impressive, but not something that would be beyond comprehension for someone that has been in on the field for some time.
  • 4
    Impressive. But not my preference. When I browse the web, I want to see the information that I want to know right away. I don't want to see a fancy presentation. Also I hate distraction. Also those colorful swirls that pass by are nothing but disturbing me. Stackoverflow and github's web design is the one for me.
  • 1
    Looks good, is a slide show on low-end GPUs, doesn't work as intended (there is a "scroll to explore" promt - but i can't actually scroll).

    But it's still a good ad for someone making interactive physics simulations - because that part seems to work.
  • 5
    Once saw a better one. Flying trough the woods like a game. The art was the fast loading I guess
  • 0
    @Oktokolo how was this site made? Threejs? Or some other js libraries? Or this was a pure unity project with 3d blender modeling?
  • 1
    Impressive but not groundbreaking performance, shows that they take the resource footprint of their work seriously, which is IMO much more important than how pretty it is.
  • 0
    Maybe they're using THREE.js
  • 1
    with notepad!!!

    That's what all these whiteboard interviews were meant to tell us.

    As long as you stay away from IDEs, you can code amazing webpages

  • 1
    @nururururu that's a name I didn't hear for a while lol !

    Anyway, site looks great.

    Me.. When i NEED for some reason to do front end I stil align shit with display:inline-block lol
  • 3
    @b2plane Don't know - probably some webgl engine and some surprisingly short but absurdly math-heavy GLSL code like in all those demos.

    Here is a less sophisticated interactive shader: https://shadertoy.com/view/ldd3DB/
  • 0
    Barba js? It is capable of doing things like that.

    Since they are having several creative coders, i would assume maybe just JS with canvas as I am too lazy to open it on desktop to check the code.

    Also there are some libs for creating creative things like this like sketchJs
  • 0
    @daniel-wu it’s cool but one thing that I didn’t get was not being able to scroll lower when I reached the astronaut section until it finished
  • 0
    @Nanos what is your site?
  • 2
    @devJs lusion told me they only used THREE.JS to build all of that shit
  • 0
    @b2plane i believe it as it is capable of doing various fancy shit, some dude made 3d game prototype in it, lemme just digg that out...

    ... few thousand years later...


    I know its a looped animation you can kinda controll, but it is just a small tap into its potential
  • 0
    The fact that HTML5 can do this at all, is why Opera and Microsoft gave up on their web engines and developing a new engine is almost impossible.
  • 0
    @novasurp I think that application-defined real-time graphics rendering is much more worthwhile maintenance burden than multi-colored fonts or state-of-the-art trace compilers that deduce the same information that was probably already in the code because the developer also wants it.
  • 1
    You can tell that JS is a shit way to describe developer intent because there's data that's needed on both ends but there's absolutely no way to convey it.
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