
I sit on toilet to take a shit and i started falling asleep! I shit even while i sleep! This is magnificent. Miraculous. Every day its the same shit but more advanced style of shitting. I am becoming very skilled at shitting. I deserve to get fucking paid every time i take a shit. There should be a sport about who can shit more often every day and I'd be the winner. Bullshit floats all around us every day especially from jobs and interviews. It is inevitable to avoid it. Beautiful. And it does make sense. I keep saying life is shit anyways every time some shit happens. And im always right -- life IS shit anyways. The keyword is **anyways**. Because no matter what you do or dont do, life will be shit Anyways. Life is empty and meaningless. Even shit has more meaning than life itself. If meaning is something that is made up then you can't live life at all. If meaning is what you make it then there is no default meaning in the entire existence. All of it is shit. We either exist because God made us and doesnt want to tell us why or we exist by chance of statistical randomness. Hopefully its the first option as its less depressing

Btw terraform is fucking good

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    Btw DynamoDB is very good
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    @Nanos I only shit at work if I can help it. My toilet paper at home lasts longer.
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    My boss takes a shit on my desk everyday and as I go home I give the cab driver some piece of the shit so when he gets home he can share some of the shit with his wife and kids.
    We don’t know the beginning of the shit neither can we tell the end of it. The shit goes round, so just keep passing on the shit until it comes back around.
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    @Demolishun strategized shitting
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    surprised to hear that... the anecdotal stories i've heard about terraform are always about how it is a nightmare

    i use pulumi 👍
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    Producing natural biodegradable fertilizer is a requirement for management.
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