
They call me the PHP Duckeh!!

  • 3
    Very cool! Can’t wait for mine to arrive.
  • 2
    Awesome! Enjoy :)
  • 1
    I'm about to be responsible for a codebase that has lots of (highly legacy and crappy) PHP in it because a colleague leaves. I *kind of* understand it when I see it but I've always hated PHP. Any advice?
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    depending on how bad it is,
    i would just try and work out what the major parts are and how they try and do the tasks at hand.

    i have a couple of large legacy projects i maintain from ex devs, but take it slow, document what you can, write unit tests if they dont exist to coincide with your findings, and slowly improve parts where possible without breaking it too much.
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    It's kinda bad. Basically it's something that is half converted to an Angular1 app (which is also an old effort), some PHP is just to load data, some parts actually do stuff on the backend. Some APIs are converted already to node 0.6 but cannot exist without the old php code. Each route is a PHP script that will spawn a *separate* angular app on the client and the angular apps get hydrated through rootscope that's taken from window globals that the PHP scripts insert... It's a mess 😂
  • 1
    or in your case burn it and forget it ever existed.
    that sounds like a lot of bad decisions or uneducated decisions got made on that one.
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