So, basically what happened today was:
A classmate asked me if I could hack him some money in online games. Later on he saw me using an FTP Client and saied: "Whoa, if I was as good as you I would totally use my skills to hack something!!!"

Yea... no.

(Writing this I turned of aurocorrect cause it's pissing me of when writing english)

  • 5
    @ThatDude that would be too easy.. the Problem is if I enable english as well the keyboard gets weird. I already told my German keyboard the most english words I use so it's ok
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    Lol. The fact that knowing how to program was a prerequisite for hacking was a part of why I wanted to learn it. Now I find my self developing open source tools for the raspberry coz I know in most cases hacking is retarded. And I don't fucking care if I could make 1000000€ by hacking someone, still wouldn't do it anymore (and probably also couldn't do so).
  • 3
    @EaZyCode I use three languages with my keyboard and I get the weirdest suggestions
  • 1
    @ThatDude I've been using German layout for almost my whole life, then swapped some keycaps so I had a German Dvorak 2 keyboard like a year ago. And one month ago I bought a keyboard (us layout) because I liked its placement of the symbols like []{}=<>. And the z/y change is not that difficult. Only in csgo (y = chat, z = some message menu) I have to test what's the right one coz for some reason csgo uses the German layout on my us keyboard xD
  • 1
    @irene right now a CPU fan speed controller. PC hosts CPU temperature on port 6969 (😋😜) and raspi reads it and controls the fan speed with a pwm signal. Sadly I destroyed my raspi with that project. My new one will arrive soon tho :D
  • 1
    @irene the open source amdgpu Linux drivers dont support the "zero fan mode" where the fans will stop spinning below 60°C. So I have to do it on my own xD but I just finished the CPU stuff. GPU coming soon
  • 0
    @irene I had it laying around for some time so I just used that 🤗😝 I've got a BBC miceobit somewhere too but I don't want to use Bluetooth on my PC. Also I don't understand how to program it in C :(

    what would you recommend me using? I don't really know anything about arduinos but are they maybe cheaper and still can do the job? (I need WiFi + a Linux system + like 5 gpio pins at least)
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    @irene I'll just try :D thank youuuu ❤🍪
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    Haha Eazy war klar dass man dich hier findet :D
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    @SteffTek als ob du hier auch bist lol :)
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    @EaZyCode schon seit Ewigkeiten :D
  • 0
    @EaZyCode 10 Tage vor dir 😂😂
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    @EaZyCode du stalker :D
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