
Today (as a joke), I asked my class if there were any “professional HTML programmers” who could help me.

Surprisingly a couple people came over with smirks on their face. I thought they were going along with the joke.

Turns out, they were serious. They legitimately believed that they were professional HTML programmers and talked to me in such a condescending way that I was speechless.

“This is called a file. See that part after the dot? That’s what makes it HTML. HTML is an incredibly hard programming language and powers CPUs and the computer that you are using.”

I didn’t know how to respond. Hopefully they were joking.

  • 15
    @Crapple They probably have no idea what it is.
  • 5
    What kind of class is this? I sincerely hope not an IT one lol
  • 4
    Were you the teacher? Did you correct them?
  • 13
    @Jonnyforgotten Nope. Just a student making a joke. I just explained that HTML is a markup language.
  • 10
    @TheCapeGreek Luckily, It wasn’t an an IT class. It was in a free period and I was trying to make a joke...it did not work out.
  • 13
    @king there are people like this sometimes but it would have been funny if it got out of control

    "And CSS powers your RAM, you write JavaScript for your BIOS flashing script, last but not least php is like Assembly, it powers your CPU internals"

    You: Noooooooooooooooooooooo
  • 1
    Damn, I read that "This is called a file. etc" sentence and my eyes just opened so hard thanks to the bs in it that they started hurting. How can there be people that think like that!?
  • 2
    HTML powers CPUs....what the fuck? How can someone be so fucking nuts?
  • 2
    @Crapple For CSS, they'd say something like the 'graphics engine of the system' 😂😂😂
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