
The worst feeling is when you are really proud of your work, you managed to realize your vision in a perfect way and you're really happy about the result, so much that you are presenting it to the client with pure joy, but the client doesn't appreciate it, doesn't understand your vision and consider it worse than the previous version.

It's incredible how easy It is to move from happines to sadness and depression in a few seconds.

My work had made my day, but the client ruined it.


  • 3
    The times where you have committed 100%, did your best and still failed are the worse possible.
    What's the value of my life and what's point to continue it if at my best I'm still not enough?
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    @JS96 Tranqui, you just misdirected your efforts. Evidently, the client doesn't have the same vision as you, but you have to respect that, it's their interest (and probably their product, I don't know how you work). You are enough. 🫶🏼
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    The times when a product that you like to use has reached perfection but the vendor has a vision and changes their product.

    Next time I feel like this as a customer, I should remember that I am a dev and some fellow might have released an update for some good reason that I don't understand or share.
  • 2
    The muggles never understood what we do and never will. They reluctantly accept the need for beings like us and the products of our minds to exist. But that's basically as far as their "appreciation" can go. They only see what we explicitly show them. Even if they could see the source, they couldn't see its meaning nor its beauty. They are helpless and in constant fear of one of thos mythical bugs appearing and eating their work.

    They can't know what they need the emanations of our mind to do for them. So of course they can't understand our visions nor what we provide them with. Some of us may be able to talk to them in their language and convince them - but most don't.

    A dev who wants to enjoy what they do, better doesn't depend a muggle's appreciation to do so. Because that isn't something you can reasonably expect them to be able to have.

    Pigs don't fly.
  • 0
    Not doing Windows development probably helps to avoid this.
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    Remember! The people you talk to on the client side are typically managers of some sort, so that makes them statistically more likely to be fucking asshole, scumbaggy, refuse-smelling, manipulative MORONS
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    I feel you, but that's why you should usually only judge/compare yourself in relation to your own past achievements.
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    @jestdotty it's not a lot about praise, more about making him happy, improving his "life" providing something good.
    I work for money, but I also work to make good software/design.

    @novasurp it was a website redesign in this case, the earlier version was pure trash, horrible with stretched images as backgrounds.
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