
To everyone who's been talking bullshit here, look at this picture, this is how you think you look.

Now turn the phone upside down to see what the opposite person actually sees you as.😂😂😂😂

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    *waiting silently for those dumbasses who will come here and try to pin this on me instead of trying to understand what i am saying*
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    See, this meme would hold up if you had the guts to show your face here before u made claims like these about how other people look.

    But you hide behind anonymity so you have no credibility to say what others look like, to you or anyone else.
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    Sigh. Not really a joke, just you being a little bitch. Do you need a safe space?
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    @atheist How about you bow down and let indians lead the way, oh i forgot you are anyways doing that given your current prime minister.
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    @coldfire how bout you work on building a civilised society that doesn't condone child rape and murder, one that doesn't allow women to be stoned to death for loving the "wrong" person?
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    @atheist Hey whoa! We are not HAMAS, you know. Indian army has muslim soldiers and they never do such things even to the enemies. Last incident was them beating up the Chinese with sticks, not even guns.

    Getting aggressive on all Indians so quickly, do better bro. Also for coldfire, he is a Gujju bitch hiding behind anonymity too scared to reply to my original comment.

    Btw, I'm an atheist too but I don't make that my personality and attack all religions needlessly.
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    @SidTheITGuy I'm not attacking religion. I didn't mention religion. I mentioned India.

    Indian woman stoned to death by family, 8 years ago: https://dailymail.co.uk/news/...

    Couple stoned to death for marrying out of caste 4 years ago https://thejakartapost.com/news/...

    To be honest it's too depressing to go find some more links.

    @coldfire claimed India was leading the way. I certainly hope not.
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    @atheist Finding links to articles almost as if no other country has crimes, come on bro.

    And yeah India isn't leading the way, that I can tell you. Coldfire's motive is unknown, I don't know how he thinks he gets to speak on behalf on India. Bitch won't even show us his face.

    @coldfire you successfully blocked me, have you?
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    @SidTheITGuy I'm not saying no country has crime, more the type of crime being committed and the implied perception of morality of that crime.
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    @atheist These isolated incidents are tragic, no doubt, but they don't even represent a single percent of crimes that have been committed in India, most of which were committed by britishers alone. If you are so keen in reading about crimes committed years ago in India, how would be delighted to read about Jallianwala Bagh, or if you want something recent, how the amount of wealth looted from india by Britishers alone equals to 15 times their country's GDP.

    Anyways, even today you are living in a bubble where you think of indians as someone beneath you who you can belittle, my point is it's high time you open your eyes and stop your nonsense.
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    @SidTheITGuy Over the last week alone, I have proved you a retard, a dumbass, a delusional bitch, a ugly stalker, a pedophile and someone with a third nipple on their face( although that part is a fact). If that was not enough, i tricked you into calling your own mother a whore and you didn't even have the senses better than a kindergartener. How much more do really want to go low ? Isn't this enough insulting for you ? Have some self respect and keep a lid on your trashy mouth or stay away for your own good.
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    @coldfire at least you've stopped laughing at your own "jokes" now, some minor progress towards rational discussion.
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    @atheist I would laugh at yours too, but alas they aint funny, the one joke is the room would be you, so that is what i laugh on
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    @coldfire wow you've insulted me ... omg what will i do 😭😭... stupid bitch.

    so you can't respond to my first comment about you being a bitch boy hiding behind anonymity making fun of other's faces so now you bring up the past ... amazing job.
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    @SidTheITGuy Awww, you begging for my attention here and there, not possible today, at the stadium enjoying the match. Go do something good with your life.
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    @coldfire I'd say Im doing a bangup job at that. Even if you're at the stadium (let's pretend that's true) you're still thinking of me.
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    @SidTheITGuy Yeah that's so true, I am thinking when will this bong get a better thing to do in life and stop mentioning me in random comments here n there.
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    @coldfire you're a fucking bitch who just can't ignore me. You know you can't respond against logic so you bring up attention thing. Kinda makes sense given that you're a failed dev.
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    @SidTheITGuy I guess it's because you have been swallowing so many children, everything you say sounds so childish.
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