
I can't stand typescript lovers

it's just typing on top of javascript... it's good but that's all - one more tool to help you build solutions

why you keep talking everyday about types, why you keep creating types for everything in the most unusuble and unmaintainable ways??

  • 6
    > I can't stand typescript lovers

    Have you tried sitting them?
  • 5
    types reduce mistakes. And humans are pretty good at doing them.

    And before you say it, no you're not an exception.

    There is a reason, JS projects move as quickly to TS a soon as they grow enough. Because frankly, JS becomes unmaintainable so quickly, you don't even realize it.
  • 4
    Why ? Because :

    '11' + 1 = 111

    '11' - 1 = 9

    Or have a look here : https://github.com/aemkei/jsfuck/...
  • 0
    @thebiochemic I said it's a good tool and I use it too, but the amount of love to fckng type support is unbearable. I guess most ts developers never saw the world outside and gets impressed with such simple tooling
  • 5
    Civil War in web development, I enjoy it.
  • 0
    The reason is that you can dynamically create/modify types based on variables or other types
    Unlike most other languages where you just slap on a known manually created one
  • 4

    Nah, it's because they started with the absolute messy shit that is JS and then tried TS, so naturally the fall in love with it.

    Like if you ate chalk all your life and then discover filet mignon.
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