Why it takes so much time?! I'm compiling just an android app, not a whole kernel!

  • 5
    Why are you not compiling the whole kernel? It's much more fun.
  • 2
    Kernel compiles are faster.
  • 2
    Actually, time is relative. So, for an outsider, it could have been really, really fast. Which when you think of it really, really makes it hard to actually do anything else but just to be astounded of the new physics (which have been validated by the way!) of the 20:th century.

    Time, actually, in some interpretations, does not exist. I mean, it is a logical construct but how fast is time going? 1 second per second? And where is it going? The multiverse is a thing! (not the Marvel thingy)

    So, when thinking about all this your problem seems trivial and I think you should just wait and drink coffee. Or wine. Either is fine. I would choose wine and look at Jupiter in my large telescope and just marvel.
  • 0
    because android studio was designed by satan's butthole. in the deep dark depths of space, no one can hear you write gradle files.
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