
New project arrises says teacher, my mate and I go to the meeting and it seems alright, guy says he'll pay us $1000 each.
A couple weeks later, "Sorry boys cant get that much money need to pay you $500 each".

Now we have basically finished the whole thing he sends an email and it says, "We got a great fund of $333 for both of you."

Lesson learnt never work in a community project if your looking for money.

  • 17
    If money is involved always sign a written contract.
  • 1
    @Voxera yea it was my first professional project. Had a lot to learn from it.
  • 0
    @Lahsen2016 🤣 great idea
  • 2
    @Sukhi the first ones are always the hardest to get payed for.
  • 0
    Dud ur scary people dont f*** with u dont they? hqhahah @Lahsen2016
  • 1
    I know i agree with i was just joking sorry if i offended u@Lahsen2016
  • 1
    @Lahsen2016 oh my god! Privacy alert! O.o

    "One does not simply mess with the data!"
    - Boromir, Captain of the Shell
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