
Hello chat, its been a long week with no progress, i have four problems right now.

1 node js repl cant recognize <> in js, and i cant find a fix for that anywhere on the internet, is there a way to convert html tags in js to smooth brackets code?

2 node js repl dosnt recognize codes like import react from react, and i have to do an async function load, and i dont know y or how to fix it.

3 i dont know how to write import exg.csv into an async function load, its usually something like “import react from react” to “async function load(){let react=await import (‘react’);}”, and i dont know how to do this.

4 i tried to install materials.ui using npm into a folder called materialsui in modules in node, it deleted all the other modules in module folder, installed, and then left the materialsui folder empty. I complained and i dont know how to get it to not do that.

5 how do i fix out of memory errors?

  • 3
    Ong if I see html in my code I'm throwing someone down a window.

    Save your html content in a proper html file, then require/read that file.

    Also I don't know what ungodly abomination you're trying to do to use React in NodeJS but by everything you hold sacred please stop and think about what you're doing.
  • 1
    Now you sit down and rethink the consequences of your evil actions. What is your business need? What are you planning to do? Share your concerns with the room, and we will do our best to prevent this catastrophe you're cooking.
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    @ostream this ranter is requiring react on NodeJS, he doesn't have webpack to turn that into actual JS code. Either Nike lied or (s?)he is cooking some ungodly abomination. JSX is fine, just as Vue templates are, but that's not what (s?)he seems to be trying to do.
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    @IHateForALiving that syntax is funny as (s?)hell 😆
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    Was trying to find an ide that runs raw js without html, because html always opens in a web browser, or i wanted an ide on windows that runs its own containerizable web browser and connection is configurable but doesnt need to be configured.

    I have another problem i cant find how to install npm by itself into a designated folder.
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    But React is specifically designed to show html in a browser. Why are you using a tool born to show html in a browser when your purpose is to NOT have html in a browser?
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    React was not mentioned as an option.
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    And i listed 5 things i was trying to do. I cant find an offline html ude in windows that becomes online when i need it to, and accesses the internet without config, or a browser with a built in html ide.
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