
Me to IT team: I need a more powerful machine to run my optimization code on.

IT: Okay take this - 64 gigs + i7HQ

Me after an hour:

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    Man if I ever leave this crippling debt and finally get some power and something with at least 16gb like once I had, one I will never forget that I once sat 25 hours straight shitposting and didnt even felt the passage of time ... it was really scary once you think about that, I only saw the clock and saw that It was literally the next day already
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    No worries, you can always download more RAM ;)

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    You know that ram isn't that's important, right? It's necessary, but in terms of performance, you only need as much ram as you use. A good GPU and CPU are what really impacts your speed. An SSD can help too. Unless you're trying to game on 1gb of ram, you shouldn't run out 😊
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    It’s all about that frontside bus yo!!! 😁

    I’ll take all the ram I can get too... πŸ˜†
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    @coolq wrongest.

    RAM is important. Really important. Well, maybe not the capacity but the speed. In games, you may get a lot of more fps if you reduce IO wait by replacing DDR4-2400 with DDR4-3000.
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    @coolq Thankfully other people here save me to write why you wrong, but not only you are wrong for *assume* Im a filthy normie that does literally nothing but browse the interwebz and watch corporatetube by how you worded your comment but by the very same action of " When you assume, you make an ASS out of U and ME" making us both look bad.
    Also When I didnt had an ultra shitty computer like what Im using right now I worked with video editing and 3D stuff, so moar RAM the better
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    @legionfrontier Oh yeah, I also used to work with Photogrammetry tools, that shit eat RAM like nobody business
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    Devi Prasad?
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    @runfrodorun referring to "50%+ full ram will bottleneck the system", does that mean it should be below 50%? Gotta go grab those 32gb quickly then
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    @runfrodorun got some link to read about this? First time I ever heard of this, just curious
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    Sorry haha. :)
    Next time censor your image!
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    @runfrodorun Oh okay, thank you for the knowledge :) with development we always need more ram haha
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    Yep, I am talking about capacity, not speed. Didn't know about about caching though.

    As I said to @runfrodorun I'm talking about capacity, not speed.

    As I acknowledged above, RAM speed is important for IO and CPU bottlenecking. And RAM speed is important for IGPUs too because if shared memory.
    I admit that I wasn't as correct as I had thought. Even though I was not talking about RAM speed, rather RAM capacity. And while RAM capacity is important to a certain degree, 8gb is usually the standard.

    But let me ask you, why are you so defensive? I'm not trying to make you look bad, I am simply trying to convey my own opinion. This is DevRant, we can have conflicting points of view. What would have been a better approach is to jump straight to the reason why you use so much.

    As a question to all, why is more RAM capacity better? I'm curious!
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    Ohh boy oh boy! I really did pluck a nerve here.

    Guy actually I demanded cluster time on cloud to test out PSO, instead to save money company me a gaming laptop -_- .

    Good news is I have admin access for the machine 😜

    Well for all those who fantasize high gigs of ram .. trust me you won't feel any difference until you are playing with big datasets. I guess what impacts performance more is the r/w latency of secondary storage.
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    @wolfram I agree πŸ˜‚
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    @runfrodorun I didn’t know that... I comment here just to say thank you for the info 😊
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    I must say... m now sad that my MacBook constantly uses ~10 Gigs of RAM... πŸ˜…
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    @FrodoSwaggins Thats really interesting. Didn't know that thx
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