
🎵 This is ten percent luck 🎵
🎵 Twenty percent luck 🎵
🎵 Fifteen percent concentrated power of luck 🎵
🎵 Five percent luck 🎵
🎵 Fifty percent luck 🎵
🎵 Zero point zero zero one percent personal responsibility 🎵
🎵 And a hundred percent reason to remember that luck and privilege it brings has an overwhelming influence on your life, and personal responsibility, albeit present and important, pales in comparison, and it means one should stop engaging in pointless societal competition fueled by advertisers whose sole aim is to cultivate guilt to make people compensate with shopping sprees, but more importantly, stop getting upset when comparing yourself to others and finding out one's life is lacking something 🎵
🎵 It was never your fault 🎵

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