
Me want AI music

Lemme upload a bunch of my songs I like and train the AI on them and lemme generate new tracks pls

There's too many search results when looking for this. Honestly might be easier to write your own by this point. Then upvote and downvote tracks it makes and reinforce it that way 🤔

Idk out of my depth. The AI people tell me there's no live reinforcing. Also who wants to touch python!

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    $ touch /usr/bin/python
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    @Demolishun Go wash your hands before they start getting hairy.
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    I dunno man, the reason why I do not like spotify for example is that when I ask for a song it usually brings about 30 remix/covers of said song rather than the original. Can't imagine searching for Sweet Child of Mine and getting the AI generated version of it with Taylor Swift singing Axl Rose's parts and John Mayer filling in for Slash (not that Mayer is a bad guitar player)
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    @ostream bold of you to assume I understand music

    I wrote a library to make it but I view everything in hertz
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    @jestdotty that sounds like it hertz.
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    @Root toooooo late.
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    music generation is in its infancy. AI curated music selection is on the upswing though.

    It's just that spotify has straight-up gimped its algorithm lately.
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    â €
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    @-red you should look at the cool shit they hid in dooms soundtracks.
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