
Aaaaand it's here! My complete photo gallery. Sorry it's on google photos though. Every other thing compresses photos, and the library is too large to be put on GitHub LFS. I have to rent a VPS, and I'm too tired now from going through my photos the entire weekend to pick out the best.

A lot of them are liminal. The overall theme is fernweh — am acute nostalgia for a place you've never been to or a feeling you've never felt. I strive to achieve that in every shot I take.


  • 1
    Bookmarked, shared and enjoying. Thank you!
  • 1
    Good shit 👏 - architecture folder is so depressing lol - not surprised bc Russia
  • 0
    I like seeing the scenery ones. I probably will never go there myself, considering that airplane tickets are so expensive these days post Covid.
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