How is the weekend going so far?

Previous Week : https://devrant.com/rants/9800293

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    Fuck off.
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    @fullstackcircus .

    I hope you are running a couple of micro-SaaS. I was just wondering how you validated your ideas and the success rate after implementation as well

    Maybe share the tech stacks you used to ship
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    I'm in hangover, have a family lunch today and a birthday party tonight.

    In the meanwhile I should be studying for a midterm exam I have on Wednesday. Thank god it's optional, but I hope I'll find the time.
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    Helping my dad collecting garbage to bring it to dump. What did I start on - all neighbors saus "Oh, take this for me". So first we're driving around collecting stuff. Ugh
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    @retoor certified garbage collector 🏅. don't forget to pickup Sid 🥰😄.
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    Not much going on here, was being forced to go to the office, which fucked up my whole weeks planning.
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    @joewilliams007 look at all those vapesticks. By forbidding the online vape shops with good reusable vapes we have this garbage now
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    @retoor just don't do vapes i guess
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    @sandeepbalan my only idea validation is selling products i use myself haha

    my stacks are either golang or C# backend, with react typescript frontend using gatsby some websocket communication, but mostly just *gasp* good ol REST

    don't get lost in product manager speak and other time wasting activities like "validation" and all that garbage. build stuff and ship product / features... then post on medium / dev.to / indy hackers / product hunt

    that said, success rate is probably approx 50/50 - some are profitable, some don't even get more than a few clicks of traffic the entire month. sad!

    i'm at the point now where I can't maintain all the products i've built, so there's that... back to focusing on features on existing prods as apposed to trying to build another one (because i simply couldn't handle managing another)

    happy to talk more about it
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    @joewilliams007 they're not mine. This is at the garbage disposal I am today
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    "selling products I use myself"—

    Pretty much, that is how I also get motivation to build stuff. If I can make use of my product at any point in life, others can, too.

    "Build stuff and ship products / features... then post"—

    I have a feeling like some of my products are not that innovative. So I talk to close contacts to get exposure from them. Unlike sharing it online, I am not earning much from this approach, for sure.

    "don't get lost in product manager speak and other time-wasting activities like "validation"" -

    You know, I really need to know what the user actually wants. I mean, of course, we can create a problem first, and then we can subsequently provide a solution to them without any validation from them. I have not yet reached a level to ship products as such. So I am just wondering, don't we need validation?

    https://indiepa.ge/marclou -> I liked how this guy built apps. Continues shipping and success at the end
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    @thebiochemic Paid extra time work?
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    @sandeepbalan nope, just "youre going to the office from now on" and thats it.
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    @thebiochemic isn't it illegal? Depends on the country by the way
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    @sandeepbalan well.. the loophole was, that my contract mever mentioned, that i'm working remote at all. And even though i mentioned this, more than once at this point, it never got changed.
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