I am getting so addicted to Ubuntu 😍.

Once you get used to the terminal workstyle, you never go back to Windows!

  • 2
    One you go green on black you never go back!
  • 4
    I don’t get it, Windows cmd is freaking powerful as hell if you know what you’re doing.

    PATH locations and cmd 😍
  • 5
    @C0D4 I feel the overall file structuring of Linux is more organised than windows.
  • 2
    @Torbuntu This 😂 that fucker is a pain in the ass!
  • 3
    nice 😃
  • 0
    @C0D4 wait. is this ironic? lol
  • 1
    @joewilliams007 hold up,how did we end up in 2017?

    *spooky time travel music*

    And no, although *nix have /bin setup as any executable can be ran on demand, this isn't all that different to path locations in windows except the DIY part of the process, strangly *nix users love setting up things until they have too?

    Windows isn't setup for doing dev work at a fundamental level, but it can if you assert enough dominance.
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