
wake up america

  • 6
    Fourier transfemme, lol
  • 0
    Godzilla had a stroke trying to read this and fucking died.
  • 1
    @kiki you should join the Matrix chat fr fr. we just talk shit there all day. There's me, retoor, ostream, vintprox, We3D, Jase and jestdotty. Well, at least the active ones.
  • 1
    @SidTheITGuy how do i join?
  • 1
    Hey @vintprox, please help OP to join the matrix chat. I can't find the links.
  • 1
    @kiki Good day! You may want to sign up on Matrix through an app of choice: Element, Cinny, etc.

    On matrix.org? Mhm, not the best option out there, even though many end up on it. I can recommend envs.net as homeserver though

    Then use this link to join the room: https://matrix.to//...

    or type in search: #drcc:matrix.org

    (Gosh, this is a bit convoluted... Maybe just use the link and pick Element, rest is signing up and picking the room.)
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