
Everyone is posting a picture about his linux desktop, so I will post a picture of my windows desktop because...

...it's opposite day

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    @Tobey Very nice wallpaper! ๐Ÿ˜ƒ
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    @Qaldim thanks ๐Ÿ˜‰
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    I haven't seen this wallpaper in years
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    Could you like.... Send me this wallpaper..? Or link? Or SOMETHING OMG.

    Seriously, I love this. xD
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    As you can see, I'm very well organized..
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    @Cyanite why do you even have a wallpaper, it is barely visible ๐Ÿ˜…
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    Because: I can.
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    @Cyanite So many games... ๐Ÿ˜ฎ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป
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    Mentioned this in another post, but Citadel: Forged with Fire is the only one I care about. โค๏ธ
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    @Cyanite How do you even use that.
    I have 0 things on my desktop. ๐Ÿ˜‚
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    Awesome wallpaper
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    Ahhhhhhh!! Sorry for that, windows scares me :P
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    Nice wallpaper
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    I have that wallpaper :) Also love how you keep your desk clean. Every few weeks I do Ctr-a Ctr-shift delete to keep it that way
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    I once read that all those nebula and star images' colors are actually false. If we were to see this with our own eyes the color would mainly be white, but because the satelites that take those photos have special sensors for a lot of different wavelengths, they can colorize specific ones for a better understanding of the overall picture
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    @Cyanite Woah! Woah! Woah! You do know there is Explorer in Windows, right?
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    I like having "Important" things readily available.

    And that's really not that much stuff. I mean... I've filled 2 1TB hard drives with downloads and games..
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    @Cyanite's Naming Convention:
    This zip has icons? icons.zip
    This one has mods? mods.zip
    Ooooh this one has files! files.zip
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    I don't remember what's in files.zip, but icons.zip is in-game icons for my game, and mods.zip is mods for my game.

    edit: files.zip is a minecraft mod installer for my girlfriend so she can use her gamepad. I could delete that now.
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