
Boss: Hey! I know you just got everything working on that new project. But good news: I have a repo you can clone and we can work together. So just clone that and look at my changes, find something that’s broken, and work away. Oh, I also modified everything to use HTTPS locally. HTTP won’t work anymore. Alright, I’m off on vacation! Ciao!

… and that’s the story of how I spent a day and a half fighting with NPM, Brew, setting up a new CA and self-signed cert, and getting passenger to work with it. The good news is that I can connect locally via 443. The bad news is all assets use http and are thus blocked for being mixed-content. And idk how to fix it. Joy!

Not mentioned: npx removing a required package every time I run it, version mismatches, and the usual NPM problems.

  • 1
    Standardise the build and it'll pay for itself
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    @MammaNeedHummus Standardize the build at least a few days before vacation. Not breaking it the same fking day you leave early.
  • 2
    Just. FUUUCK!
    What a frustrating waste of two days.
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    I love that, it feels like exploring a giant minecraft cave & figuring out how to navigate it
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    @webketje Wrong rant, or…?
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    @MammaNeedHummus unless someone comes in and starts adding new junk to it and not standardizing it 😒
  • 3
    @webketje I got a friend with that perspective and it really helped. Suddenly you're in some ancient Zen garden someone once made, seeing all their horrors and the errors of their mind. The few glimmers of genius.

    Who knew you could be so optimistic about sludging through literal trash!
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    Npm install -g even... Becaue why not coconut 🥥
  • 3
    I'm still voting for burning roots workplace down ....

    As a bonfire.

    Tea party style.

    Why would someone want to do TLS @ localhost ...

    Nightmare to debug.... As everything is encrypted traffic.

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    @sideshowbob76 I’ve got plenty of rants that may enlighten you!
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