Got PHP Internship interview lined up tomorrow...
First ever real interview...big step for young me
Wish me luck guys

  • 2
    Good luck 👊👍
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    Good luck
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    Php is a good language for your fist big project.
  • 1
    Good luck bro!
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    all the best 🎉
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    Knock em' dead. It's all up hill from here bud!
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    Thank you Everyone for your well wishes..I just came out of interview and apti..

    I did my worse...got nervous FML
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    @dextel2 it's a learning experience for your next interview. But, you never know until you know you didn't get the job!

    I did so horrible my first dev interview as well. It was a train wreak because I was so damn nervous.

    What I learned from that though is the interview goes both ways, you are there to interview them as well. They obviously know you are a worthy canidate based on the fact that they took the time to look at your resume and setup an interview. So you have to take that as a sign of confidence. Interviews are more of a test of personality than tech skill and that will always show when you are confident.

    Because we all fake it till we make it ;)
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