
Fun fact: banks won't let me take loans. Any kind of loans.

Why? It's not because I have a history of missing payment schedules. It's because I NEVER had a credit card or loans — I paid for everything with cold hard cash my whole life. But it all changed when I fried a charging controller on my laptop, so I needed a new one fast. I was in between jobs then. So, I took a loan for a new laptop, one thousand dollars, a large sum for me back then. I found a job and covered that loan ahead of schedule, in three months instead of one year. In total, my bank made a mere $5 off of me.

Banks now know I won't bring any kind of interest in whatsoever, as I never miss my payments. So, they decided to quit on me completely.

That's a proof that banks don't want you to pay on time — they want you to delay your payments and let your interest build up, so you're forced to take new loans to cover old ones. They want you to pay interest forever, having barely enough money to cover interest, but not the loan itself.

  • 3
    I gave my middle finger to the bank by paying off my education loan in one shot, rather than monthly payments taken off my salary and getting threatening emails from them if I was late on any of them.
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    @jestdotty you're missing one crucial part here — it was Russia. That's not a proper country, so it doesn't have proper laws/traditions. Thank god I'm out and I'll never return.
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    You can always go to a country that does not function like that.
    Here credit cards are becoming more popular (for travel and purchases on foreign sites) but still not required at all. I don't have one and have a similar stance as you.

    Credit scores here are only influenced negatively by loans you have (and having a credit card counts as a loan) and payment failures.
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    @supernova777 they don't need to. They send debt collectors that are invincible and can break the law however they like. You _will_ pay. If they kill you, your debt will be inherited by your children/relatives, and they will pay instead. It works perfectly every time.
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    @supernova777 here are two examples:

    1. Debt collectors abducted debtor's underage daughter and send her naked photos to the debtor and his friends on social media. The debt was $190.

    2. Debt collectors set debtor's house on fire. Debtor was 70-something years old. His infant grandson died. The debt was $30.

    Living in Russia do be like that. I have the proof. It's in Russian though.
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    I've never had a loan or a credit card, so I'm pretty sure they don't have any kind of credit score on me either, and they won't stop offering me loans every week.

    They do so because they know I have the money to pay it back, which means they can make a profit, however small, with no risk at all.

    They still fail to understand the very basic idea that it's stupid to take a loan if I already have the money to pay for whatever, but, for all the money they move, they are not always the brightest bulb...
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    @kiki where were you able to move to? Good for you honestly especially if you're trans it's not a good place to be.
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    So banks are mainly interested in making money!?

    I know, the bar hangs low in economics. But you should still not expect a call from Stockholm for this one.
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    @CoreFusionX How do you do online shopping? You can't buy much without a credit card where I am

    Using a bank card is apparently less secure (though I don't know how) and more businesses are starting to be cashless
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    WTF you paid 2% per year interest on a USD$1000 personal credit loan?!?!
    Yeah, banks are a bitch, but that's cheap.

    Anyway, fuck them. And charge interest in how long they've had it coming. At the rate of 10000 punches to the face per day, a typical banker should be paid off in about a million years.
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    @iceb In Germany direct debit is quite common, either directly or through PayPal.
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    @kiki is there anything you miss from it?
    I left my country and it has some neat things, but I can’t see myself ever returning.
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    This is banking/finance 101 or something. They want people to be enslaved. High risk customers attract more than the low/zero risk ones
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    @ars1 I miss Saint-Petersburg — the most beautiful city on Earth. https://duckduckgo.com//...

    As for Russia, no, I don't miss anything. I wish Saint-Petersburg could be annexed by Finland. I'll move back in tomorrow.
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    Debit card.
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    In germany the loan system would actually favor you. I have no clue why america has such a strange credit score system.
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    @jestdotty what’s annoying is that you can’t actually look up how credit scores are determined. They do a lot of work to keep the actual algorithms secret. People have taken the given information and reverse engineered algorithms that simulate credit scores. I think that since credit scores are basically a public good at this point, they should be forced to make them public by regulations.
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