I don't get what's happening with trolls here. Or people who are trying to be trolls.

Ostream got brutally trolled and deleted his account. Then came back with an alt account.

Same with Alexanderr, Nanos, Chaosesqueteam.

I am not siding with anyone, idc who's right or who's wrong, but there's one golden rule for trolling that you should know, before u attempt to be one -

If you can't handle people clapping back at you or if you don't have thick skin, then don't bother.

  • 6
    yea I thought was a safe space for us to all unashamedly be the trash we are
  • 6
    Nanos is not a troll. he's just weird
  • 9
    In a few years only retoor will be left and then banned by dfox
  • 3
  • 6
    Nanos was never a troll. I love him. Mikee (chaosesquebs) is just a spammer.
  • 3
    @retoor kiki will rehost devrant on her sonic bedsheets waaaay before that.
  • 5
    Chaosesqueteam was a spammer and ragebaiter who protected his posts with upvotes from his bots.

    People like him are the reason that you need moderation everywhere - in the internet as well as in the meatspace.

    Alexanderr is just a fascist and people who aren't fascists themselves tend to not like fascists.

    I don't remember Ostream and Nanos is indeed "just weird".

    In general, this community is way more trollerant than most other communities. But it aint 4chan and that shouldn't change.
  • 1
    If i get shit on i shit on people back, as simple as that. I dont initiate violence. But then some idiots are telling me to go jobless because im in the wrong industry.
  • 1
    @kiki Thanks for planning to keep a space alive and breathing for me to shit-post on.
  • 1
    “don’t start nothin, won’t be nothin”
    - confucius
  • 4
    @fuckyoubitch As far as I can remember, you started the shitting, wishing harm and death onto people for owning cars and the wrong brand of computer, any other day there was another ragebait post by you heating it up further.
  • 1
    is @fuckyoubitch the poop plane guy?
  • 2
    People come and go, it happens constantly in online communities like this.

    OStream gave as good as he got, or worse. Routinely posted about people being xxxtards, where xxx could be anything from "car" to "Java". Then got mortally offended if anyone insulted frontend, which seemed to be his thing.

    Chaosesqueteam was an unapologetic spam poster and pedophile.

    Nanos was fine apart from his defence of the indefensible behaviour of the user above.

    No idea about Alexander.
  • 1
    @GenghisKhan No one said anything about ++'s. Insecure much?
  • 2
    Alexanderr = nazi
  • 2
    Genghis/alexandr has just left the platform again. He’ll be back soon enough I suppose
  • 2
    @aviophille I remember you posting any other day how much you hate people with cars and wished all sorts of harm onto them, later came weird hot takes just to stir people, but now one guy offended you and you go on with two fake accounts annoying people here?
    Edit: ah I see. Still absolutely childish
  • 0
    I didnt delete my account I got hacked
  • 0
    @Oktokolo I am offended :(
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