


HAPPY 2024th BIRTHDAY JESUS, MY LORD AND SAVIOR ❤️❤️❤️🙏☦️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

  • 2
    Yeah, except Jesus wasnt really born on year 1... More like 2-3 B.C. so I think he'd be like 2026-2027 years old now
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    @Hazarth B.C. = Before Christ

    How can Jesus be born before himself?
  • 5
    @Hazarth between 34BC and 2BC.

    But facts aren't the strong suit of religion.
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    @C0D4 says who? So why is the current year 2024 and not a

    year = Math.random(2026, 2060)

  • 1
    @b2plane well, if you believe the gospel, then Jesus was born while Herod was still in power and alive... He died around 4 BC... So there's that...
    But more compeling, theres a lot of docunents written around 100-200 AD that mention that Jesus was born around 2-3BC...

    It Really depends on which evidencie you look and who you believe, but at the very least nothing suggest that Jesus was born at 1BC that was too late according to pretty much all evidence. That's a more popular opinion, but not the correct one.

    Remember that the Calendar changed a bunch too, hard to say when and what got messed up, but it did.
  • 1
    @b2plane because no one knows how long 0AD actually went for.

    As you said 1BC is " before christ" but 1AD didn't start until "after..."

    So if 0AD was a single year, Jesus was crucifixes as a baby and not a man?
  • 1
    @C0D4 Another little problem is that 0AD technically didn't exist. That calendar counting was created before 0 was even recognized as a value. so really back then they would've consider 1AD to follow directly after 1BC.
  • 3
    We started using AD/BC a thousand years after BC... You expect it to be accurate?
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    Jesus had an older brother called’ James’ so hoe the fuck can his mother be a virgin?
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    @b2plane you dumb trolling, or just plain dumb?
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    @helloworld you pulled that information out of your ass?
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    @tosensei you cant exist before you're born. Unless youre God like Jesus and you already existed eternally before you were born on this planet through physical human form. Just like Jesus said "before Abraham was born... I am" claiming hes the Son of God, while God the Father is called "I am who I am". Open your heart and Attract God into it
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    @atheist Lol just realized whats ur username
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    @b2plane so you're just batshit insane because of too many hard drugs at once.

    also, even if the mythological deities entities you believe in were real, why'd you celebrate someone who describes himself as shepherd of souls - after all, what's the reason for keeping livestock? to consume them. slaughter them at their leisure.

    so why'd you celebrate a deity that keeps your soul enslaved just so it can consume your essence - which is basically more a demon or a devil.

    your belief is dumb no matter from which point of view you analyse it.
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    @tosensei ur an empty hearted old man. Dont let satan deceive u. Turn to God and u'll never look back. Trust
  • 3
    I didn't have "b2plane is a religious zealot" on my 2024 bingo card.

    Merry Christmas though!
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    @lungdart nobody expected it.
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    @lungdart u mean parkinglot cz i never heard the word zealot before. And wdym by me being a parkinglot
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    @b2plane The bible, not my arse. But both are full of shit.
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    Time is a social construct
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    Nice meme.
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    @Jabb03 ur mockery towards LORD your God will not be tolerated. Ur blasphemy will never be forgiven. U'll burn in hell and melt in fire🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
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    @b2plane that sounds amazing. I'm freezing right now and I could go for some hell.
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